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Nueva versión de AwareIM 5.0

Publicado: Vie Feb 25, 2011 2:18 pm
por fdiazp
ya vieron las nuevas características de awareim 5.0 pantallas automáticas para iphone, ipad, smartphones con adroid y otra cantidad de cosas muy interesantes

Nosotros en cuestión de 5 semanas hicimos un sistema muy grande con intengraciones con diferentes servidores, bases de datos sql de más de 100 GB y muchas cosas más.

el link es www.awareim.com

los controles schedule ahora son iguales al calendario de outlook con drag and drop y demás
por ejemplo si arrastro una entrada en la agenda a otro día listo quedó en la nueva fecha

Awaresoft is the maker of Aware IM - an intelligent builder of web database applications. We are proud to announce the release of Aware IM version 5.0.

With Aware IM 5.0, you can now easily create business applications that will work not only in standard browsers but on mobile devices as well. That's right, Aware IM 5.0 is finally bringing the world of rich Internet business applications to mobile devices including the iPhone, iPad and Android!

Aware IM 5.0 also adds a wide range of new features and improvements to the existing user interface, expanding on an already impressive array of Aware IM tools that allow you to build professional AJAX-driven web applications.
Web applications for mobile devices
Did you ever want a business application that would run not only on a PC or Mac, but also on mobile devices? Maybe you want your customers to submit orders from their mobile phones? Or you have a CRM application and you want your staff members to register communication with a customer from a mobile phone while on the road? With Aware IM 5.0 you can do this and more.

You do not even need to build separate applications for mobiles. Just create a single application with two different user interfaces - one for PCs and one for mobile devices. The data and processing logic of your application will be the same. Simple.

If you already have an Aware IM application and you want to enable it for mobile devices, well that can be easily accomplished too.

The following are only some of the features supported by Aware IM applications on mobile devices:
Data lists with or without thumbnails and the context menu.
Forms with tabs, text, date and combo box controls.
Video/audio playback.
Google Maps.

Below are a few screenshots from the new version:

A data list with thumbnails
and context menu A data list with text
and item disclosure

A custom text list

A form with tabs, text and date control

New UI features and improvements
Here are just a few of the new features available in version 5.0:

Dynamic charts automatically display pop-up prompts and provide data-sensitive mouse click handling:

New calendar feature allows moving appointments by drag-and-drop and displays data-sensitive pop-up prompts:

Custom presentation of query results is now really easy. You can specify any layout for a data item including text, pictures, positioning and style:

Custom presentation for dropdowns is now supported:

How to get the new version
Click here to download the free evaluation version of Aware IM and see the complete list of exciting new features of version 5.0.

Re: Nueva versión de AwareIM 5.0

Publicado: Vie Feb 25, 2011 2:36 pm
por luizmarin
Aware IM for developers
Aware IM Developer Edition is ideally suited for application developers. It is priced at US $1,599.00 and offers the following key benefits...


These options are in addition to main products when you need to tailor a product to your specific needs.
Option Price
1 additional user license $80
10 additional user licenses $600
50 additional user licenses $2000
Mobile Support option $250
SQL Server option $1000
Active Directory/LDAP support option $1000
User Defined Processes/Workflow option $1500
Oracle option $2000

All prices are in US dollars.

Non-commercial organizations are eligible for a 35% discount off regular prices (proof of status required).
Product specifications and prices are subject to change without notice.

Re: Nueva versión de AwareIM 5.0

Publicado: Vie Feb 25, 2011 2:39 pm
por fdiazp
Esas licencias son para acceso local pues los accesos web son ilimitados, es decir a un cliente le compras el runtime de us$250 y tienes 5 usuarios en lan pero ilimitados en web, por lo tanto resulta de muy buen precio a la final


Fredy J. Diaz Pernett

Re: Nueva versión de AwareIM 5.0

Publicado: Vie Feb 25, 2011 3:05 pm
por EstebanTrajtenberg
Hola Fredy, se podra ver algo del trabajo que realizaste para la web?
Interesante herramienta. Se puede conectar a PostgreSql?
Un abrazo
